You will find a stint with Adharshila a highly enriching experience if your areas of interest include any of the following:
-Meaningful education of underprivileged rural children
-Equitable and sustainable conservation of biodiversity
-Sustainable natural resource management
-Sustainable agriculture for semi-arid tropics
-Sustainable farm and non-farm livelihood avenues
-Sustainably using forest produce for medicinal, commercial and other purpose
-Adivasi (indigenous) culture and way of life
-Preserving indigenous health traditions and knowledge
-Empowerment of the poor, especially women
Adharshila invites researchers, academics, volunteers, donors, and other interested people to contact us and visit our field office in village Agraa, to explore ways of associating themselves more actively with their areas of interest.
We also invite educational institutions to contact us for devising meaningful exposure visits for students, to get a real ‘feel’ of rural India.